Thursday, October 25, 2007

News of the Week

Last night I found out some very good news. I have been going back and forth what I want to do when I graduate, and recently I have decided I will go to grad school and get a PhD in sports psychology (instead of the other direction which was physical therapy). I have talked to professors at Clemson about their suggestions for this narrow field, and they do not really know much about the sports psychology programs. I did not get much feedback or positive information from any of the professors which made me nervous. What if this is not a good field or career? I have thought about it alot lately and decided I'm going to stay on this track for graduate school.
Anyway, I was talking to my parents last night on the phone and they said they ran into my high school club volleyball coach (who also coaches at a college near my hometown) at dinner. They were talking about me, and my parents mentioned I was interested in sport psychology. She was so excited to find this out, and said that is exactly what they need for the athletes at that college. She basically told my parents when I finish school that she would hire me and/or help me find a job. WHAT A RELIEF! That made my week! It's good to know people care and want to help out :)

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Interview Reflection

I had my interview with Angie on Wednesday, October 10. I have never been in a real interview, so this was a good learning experience. I did not know what to expect before going into the mock interview. Impromptu speeches are not one of my strengths. I was unsure of questions that would be asked to me during the interview, but I tried to think of some of my good and bad characteristics and past experiences to apply to possible questions.

The mock interview was a good opportunity for me to practice describing my strengths and weaknesses while applying it to a specific job or graduate program. I realize I said “um” before answering most of my questions. Before my next interview, I will try to review questions and practice in front of friends. My mock interview was brief, and I realize that a real interview will be more in depth and longer. I hope that I will be able to use this practice with Angie to improve my interview skills in the future

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Class Presentation

I enjoyed listening to all of the presentations because each person got to share a little about themselves in a creative way . I liked Cassidy's presentation because I love animals, and I think that CAWS is a wonderful program. I am not involved in the organization but I appreciate all of the work that the members of this club do for the animals. I wish I could own more cats, dogs, horses, you name it, but time and money as a college student get in the way. I love when I am able to go home to my house and play with my 3 dogs and 2 cats. I loved the pictures that Cassidy had on her handouts. I am a sucker for kittens and puppies :) GREAT JOB on the presentation! I might join CAWS senior year when I return from studying abroad so way to get the word out there!

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Lesson Learned

Today in my anatomy class we learned about a highly invasive breast cancer study done in California. The study ultimately pointed out the negative effects of using plastic bottles. They found that the dioxins released from the plastic in the bottles cause cancer. Clear plastic Nalgene water bottles and disposable water bottles that are frozen are not healthy for you or when left out in the heat. When the water has been frozen and then unfrozen, the plastic is broken down and then releases dioxins. However, white Nalgene water bottles are approved and acceptable. The next time you think about freezing that plastic watter bottle, think again! You can use an alternative method in order to keep yourself healthy and reduce the risk of cancer.