Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Steps of an Interview

In this website, there are suggestions on how to have a successful interview:

One article, "Is Hiding Your Wedding Band Necessary for a Job Interview?" that caught me by surprise was the one that we mentioned in class about wearing a wedding band in an interview. Previously, I have never considered this to be of much importance but I guess it is important to some business and corporations. Although it might be a good idea to take your wedding band off for the interview, I would probably keep my wedding ring on my finger. Personally, if a company was judging my marital status for a job then I would probably not want to work at that place.

Another article, "Four tips for Acing Interviews by Phone", mentioned several ways to have a successful phone interview. The suggestions they give for success are minimize distractions, sharpen your verbal skills, prepare in advance, follow-up with a letter. I think these are all valid points and would personally rather like an interview by phone than by person. My mind goes blank in stressful situations and then later I think of good things to say when I am rethinking the event.

One more article that I read gave suggestions on answering questions about your weaknesses. "How to Answer Questions About Your Weaknesses" gives pointers on how to be successful in answering these awkward questions. The author says to mention a weakness that can be an asset to the company. Several other ways are to cite a lesson learned, cite a corrected weakness, cite a learning objective, cite an unrelated skill deficit, deflect, and address the unspoken question.

I agreed with these articles and believe that reading them will help me in my future search for a job. It is amazing how much a person must pay attention to the little details while searching for a job.

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