Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Resume Link

I read two articles from that gave helpful tips about resumes.
The first article I read was "Tricks of the Trade: Writing a Good Resume" by Joshua Lipton. The article was short but included information about including sport on a resume. A former coach, Roy Blitzer, did not like that someone included intramural sport on his or her resume. I disagree with this decision. I know that it could appear to be a hobbie, but intramural sport is an activity that allows for a person in college to play sport who were not on the NCAA Division I, II, or III team. Some people do not have the time or may not qualify for the NCAA so they play sport to involve themselves with the college. I also disagree with this decision because students are still responsible to organize their time to play the games and use social qualities such as good sportsmanship in competition. I personally think that intramural sport should qualify in the category of activities or other experience on a resume.

The other article I read was "Smart Resume Advice: Fewer Words Say More" by Perri Capell. The article says to keep the resume brief. The article emphasizes to write about the desired goal that the person wants in the job. The author recommends that when creating a resume to not discuss past jobs that a person does not want anymore. In class, Angie advised us about similar things to do and not to do in our resumes.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Steps of an Interview

In this website, there are suggestions on how to have a successful interview:

One article, "Is Hiding Your Wedding Band Necessary for a Job Interview?" that caught me by surprise was the one that we mentioned in class about wearing a wedding band in an interview. Previously, I have never considered this to be of much importance but I guess it is important to some business and corporations. Although it might be a good idea to take your wedding band off for the interview, I would probably keep my wedding ring on my finger. Personally, if a company was judging my marital status for a job then I would probably not want to work at that place.

Another article, "Four tips for Acing Interviews by Phone", mentioned several ways to have a successful phone interview. The suggestions they give for success are minimize distractions, sharpen your verbal skills, prepare in advance, follow-up with a letter. I think these are all valid points and would personally rather like an interview by phone than by person. My mind goes blank in stressful situations and then later I think of good things to say when I am rethinking the event.

One more article that I read gave suggestions on answering questions about your weaknesses. "How to Answer Questions About Your Weaknesses" gives pointers on how to be successful in answering these awkward questions. The author says to mention a weakness that can be an asset to the company. Several other ways are to cite a lesson learned, cite a corrected weakness, cite a learning objective, cite an unrelated skill deficit, deflect, and address the unspoken question.

I agreed with these articles and believe that reading them will help me in my future search for a job. It is amazing how much a person must pay attention to the little details while searching for a job.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

My Life at a Glance

Where might I be in 10 years? What will happen in my future? Those are questions that I ask myself frequently. I have an idea of my future, but for the most part I am very uncertain of the path that is ahead of me. However, I have faith that I will be satisfied in the end.

First, I will tell you a little about my education background. I plan to finish my undergraduate degree next spring at Clemson and receive a B.S. in psychology with a minor in sociology. At this moment in time, I will either apply to a sport's psychology graduate program or to a physical therapy program. In either program, it will require me to have several more years of education. Therefore, I plan to continue my education for the next four to five years. I do not necessarily want to be studying for many more years, yet I know that continuing my education is a wonderful opportunity and will guide me to a successful career.

My future career goals are fairly basic. I hope to be satisfied, successful, and established. I am not sure where I will end up, but as I mentioned before, I will most likely focus my career with something to do with exercise and psychology. I am interested in athletics and working with people, therefore I know that this is the right field for me to pursue.

Personally, I know that in the next 10 years that I will have life changing experiences. As many typical young girls, I have dreamed of "the wedding." However, I am in no hast to actually get married. I would like to get married and have several children, but I plan for that to be down the road. I would ideally like a larger family since I have always enjoyed growing up in a big family. I guess that will be decided in the future also.

Another personal goal that I wish to achieve is to travel all over the world. I am fortunate to have already traveled to Germany, France, Switzerland and Luxembourg( each for a day), Ireland several times, around the United States, and soon Australia. I love to take random road trips and explore or travel overseas. I am always up for an adventure and to discover different cultures.

Finally, I hope to maintain a strong relationship with my family in the future. I have two wonderful parents, an older sister, older brother, and a younger brother. My siblings and I have always supported each other, and although we are not perfect, we have remained close up to this point. I hope that our relationships continue to grow as we get older. I want to be able to share all of my accomplished goals with them ten years from now. I hope they to support me all the way for as I will be for them.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Machines vs. Humans

What do you think the title of the video means? How does Web 2.0 affect someone who is ready to enter the workforce? How does it affect people who are already in the workforce? What do you think it means when it says that we will have to rethink everything?

Computers and the internet are amazing technological advances in our lives! In my opinion, the video, "Web 2.0...The Machine is Us/ing Us," means we have become so dependent on computers on a day-to-day basis that we would not know how to deal without them. A person whom is about to enter the workforce needs to understand the importance of working with computers. The internet is a quick easy way for people to send out job applications and other personal information to businesses. A person entering the workforce may be interested in sending out a resume or memorandum, and by sending the information through email, then it is guaranteed to get to an office before mail from a post office. The person sending a letter through the mail carrier might miss out on an opportunity, while another person may gain the opportunity by chosing to send his or her information through email. The web is a wonderful place for networking. Web 2.0 is a place where people are linked from all over the world. People in the workforce should be comfortable with using a computer. Today, if a person does not understand and keep up with the technological advances, then he or she will be left behind. Many business have access to the internet which allows for more efficient communication. People are able to get work done at a faster rate. However, the problem that exists is that because of the advance communication, we should be careful of what can be accessed. We have to be careful of our privacy. We have to think about identity theft, stalkers, plagiarism, etc. The internet is an amazing resource, but we just need to pay careful attention to the information that we let the world access.
I enjoyed the way the professor created the video. He did a good job proving his point about the good and bad aspects of the internet.

Saturday, September 1, 2007

The Beginning

Hey Everyone! I haven't ever written a blog before so this could be interesting...
Well for starters, I am a junior from Summerville, S.C. This is my second year at Clemson and I am loving it! My first year of college I attended Presbyterian College, where I was recruited to play volleyball. I still keep in touch with many people from PC, and some of them are my best friends, but I just decided I would like to go to a bigger school. When I started at Clemson I wanted to meet people, and since I have been involved in athletics for awhile, I randomly decided to walk on the rowing team. I am no longer rowing this year, yet my rowing teammates are also some of my closest friends. I am not sure what I want to do in the future, but I am leaning towards doing something with psychology and more specifically sports psychology. I am also considering physical therapy, occupational therapy, or Physician's Assistant. Currently, I am planning and getting things ready to study abroad in the spring in Australia. I am so excited for this amazing opportunity!